We often hear from our adult patients that all they want from their dental appointments is “to have a healthy mouth”. But what most fail to realize is that health and beauty often go hand in hand.
This was exactly the case for Victoria. We started seeing Victoria back in 2017, but within a short time she soon realized that the position of her teeth was affecting the health of her smile. However, we tabled the discussion for a while and just worked on the basics.
Fast forward a couple years and Victoria’s teeth were looking a lot healthier but she was starting to have concerns about her teeth becoming more crowded as she ages. She was ready to do something about it. We suggested clear aligner therapy, known as Invisalign as her best option to correct the bite and upright the crowded teeth. Also with the help of a special treatment known as Propel, we completed her treatment in just 11 months. For the final touches of shade and shape, we suggested acrylic veneers to give her an all around brighter smile. She was so thrilled with what we had done, she went for it!
We notice that once we open the door for patients to start seeing what their smile could look like, they realize that they CAN have the beautiful smile they’ve always wanted. It doesn’t always feel like a priority, but it is a great investment in your confidence and overall health.
If you would like to meet Dr Bown for a virtual consult, submit our consult form. Once you send your photos and chief complaints, look for an email in your inbox (sometimes filtered to junk) to book your appointment time.
We look forward to meeting you!